Wednesday, October 17, 2007

NCLB: Narrowing the Curriculum?

In some ways I think NCLB is a great idea. This policy holds schools and school districts accountable for improving student achievement in Math and Reading. This is being done by increasing the amount of instructional time spent on both subjects.The downside to NCLB is that it takes away from other subject areas, such as, Art, Music, Social Studies, Science, and Physical Education. I think there needs to be some sort of compromise.All subjects no matter what should be looked at in the same way. All subjects are important in the development of each child. I think its ok for some subjects to be reduced minimally . But I don't think it's ok to reduce subjects such as Social Studies and Science to a great extent. I want to be a social Studies middle school teacher. It would bother me to know that time is being taken out of Social Studies and put into Math and Reading. Like I said before each subject is extremely important to the development of each child. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to NCLB, but something needs to be done to make NCLB as efficient as possible. Efficiency should be our number one goal and priority.


My tEACHER bLOGS said...

I agree with you as well. I dont think that schools should be taking away time from other subjects. All areas should have the same amount of time given because they are all crucial to the learning process.

Soon to be History Teacher said...

Making sure that all students make the grade is important, but to lower standards and not allow students to flourish in specific areas is dangerous. It can be understood that helping education to be equal is a good thing, but at what price is it not worth it?